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The following is a list of rings ( yubi?, "finger") in the PlayStation, Full Voice Edition, Cross Edition, and iOS releases of Tales of Phantasia, organized in the order that they appear within the Collector's Book. All elements exclusive to the PlayStation release are highlighted with a light gray background, while elements exclusive to the PlayStation and Full Voice Edition releases are highlighted with a dark gray background.

Accessory Name
Rune Bottle
Purchase Price (Gald)
Resale Price (Gald)
Acquisition Method
-9999 &a &a -9999 -9999 &a
273 Sorcerer's Ring
Sorcerer Ring
- - -

Past Chests: Cave of Burning Sand

  • enables to ability to press the Sorcerer's Ring button to shoot a blast of fire in the field
274 Emerald Ring
Faerie Ring - ?

Future Chests: Volt's Cave, Dhaos's Castle, Morlia Mineshaft
Drop: Dhaos (Past), Volt
Event: Ifreed's quest, island northwest of Midgards

  • reduces TP used by 33%
275 Faerie Ring
- - ?

Future Chests: Morlia Mineshaft
Event: Ifreed's quest, island northeast of Alvanista
Rune Bottle: Emerald Ring

  • reduces TP used by 50%
276 Spirit Ring
Mental Ring
- - 16000

Past Chests: Dhaos's Castle
Future Chests: Tower of Flames, Morlia Mineshaft
- Beat the Ishitori Master at ishitori twice in Alvanista (past timeline)
- Ifreed's quest, shore south of Venezia
- Ifreed's quest, island west of Morrison's Home Rune Bottle: Emerald Ring

  • periodically restores 1 TP in battle
277 Protect Ring
Force Ring - ?

Past Chests: Venezia City, Morlia Mineshaft, Treantwood, Tower of the Zodiac, Dhaos's Castle
Drop: Psychic, Prophet, Monk Soldier
- Mystic Pouch random item
- Ifreed's quest, island west of Euclid

  • 10% chance to nullify physical damage
278 Force Ring
Reflect Ring - ?

Future Chests: Morlia Mineshaft
Event: Ifreed's quest, middle of mountains east of Ymir Forest
Rune Bottle: Protect Ring, Reflect Ring

  • 20% chance to nullify physical damage
279 Resist Ring
Reflect Ring - ?

Past Chests: Cave of Burning Sand, Treantwood, Tower of the Zodiac
Future Chests: Dhaos's Castle
Drop: Medium
Event: Mystic Pouch random item

  • 10% chance to nullify elemental damage
280 Reflect Ring
Force Ring - ?

Future Chests: Morlia Mineshaft
- Ifreed's quest, lightened spot north of Arlee
- Ifreed's quest, island north of Ymir Forest Rune Bottle: Resist Ring, Force Ring

  • 20% chance to nullify elemental damage
281 Channeling[1]
- - ?

Past Chests: Aqueducts
- Talk to Ami in Toltus after recruiting Chester (present timeline)
- Talk to Milard in Euclid after recruiting Claus (past timeline)
- Talk to Bart in Lone Valley after recruiting Arche (past timeline)
- Talk to Ranzo after recruiting Suzu (future timeline)

  • enables Semi-Auto control over the equipped character with an additional controller
282 Dash Ring
- - ?

Future Chests: Limestone Cave, Morlia Mineshaft

  • enables the ability to dash in battle by double-tapping in that direction
283 Technical Ring[2]
- - ?

Past Chests: Morlia Mineshaft
Event: Return Rosania's Dress to Graham in Friezkiel.

  • enables the ability to set Manual control over the equipped character
9999 ~z ~z 9999 9999 ~z


  1. This item is exclusive to the PlayStation release and has not been localized.
  2. This item is exclusive to the PlayStation and Full Voice Edition releases and has not been localized.

